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Tuổi 29-07-2014, 11:27 AM   #1
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Restore file được chọn từ Backup file (How do I restore selective files from backup?)
Restore file được chọn từ Backup file (How do I restore selective files from backup?)


How do I restore files or directories from a container's backup selectively from the command line?

NOTE: A selective restore can be completed by overwriting files using the copy from the backup. If files from a backup are also to be restored, rename or move the existing files to safe place and then restore the data.

The following command can be used for a selective restore:
      # vzarestore CTID/CThostname --files <files_to_restore> -b BackupId --storage BackupStorage
For example:

  1. If you need to restore the /etc folder for container #556:
  2. Mã:
      # vzlist 556       CTID      NPROC STATUS    IP_ADDR         HOSTNAME        556         19 running   -               test
  3. You can list the available backups for the container to confirm the backup ID you want to use:
  4. Mã:
      # vzarestore -l -f -e 556 Show existing backups... CTID: 556 Title: testct Type:  full BackupID: 7147dc27-3d25-
  5. a34f-a5a3-3d457389d3e7/20131023193528 Description: Parent environment: Size: 277.96 Mb Creation date: 2013-10-24T023528+0007 CTID: 556 Title: testct Type: incremental BackupID: 7147dc27-3d25-
  6. a34f-a5a3-3d457389d3e7/20131023193714 Description: Parent environment: Size: 1002.05 Kb Creation date: 2013-10-24T023714+0007
  7. Note: if the backup is located on another node, the command should be the following (the hostname or IP of the backup node can be specified):
  8. Mã:
      # vzarestore -l -f -e 556 --storage Login to root's password: Show existing backups... CTID: 556 Title: testct Type:  full BackupID: 7147dc27-3d25-a34f-a5a3-3d457389d3e7/20131008083001 Description: Parent environment: Size: 278.05 Mb Creation date: 2013-10-08T153001+0007
  9. If you want to restore the /etc folder from a full backup located on the local node, the command should be the following:
  10. Mã:
      # vzarestore 556 --files /etc -b 7147dc27-3d25-a34f-a5a3-3d457389d3e7/20131023193528
  11. To restore the files from another node, add the option --storage
  12. with the proper server's name:
  13. Mã:
      # vzarestore 556 --files /etc -b 7147dc27-3d25-a34f-a5a3-3d457389d3e7/20131008083001 --storage

Lệnh sử dụng để Restore file được chọn từ file backup lưu trữ trên rs00136

vzarestore 135 --files /var/www/vhosts/ -b 94b1be4b-f970-de4b-aa1e-5d6bc503cae8/20140609175949 --storage
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